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What generation should you use in 2024?

However, based on widespread consensus as well as new Gen Z analysis by the Pew Research Center, and the one generation defined by the U.S. Census Bureau (Baby Boomers), these are the birth years and ages of the generations you’ll want to use in 2024. Note: Generation names are based on when members of that generation become adults (18-21).

How old are Baby Boomers in 2023?

The Baby Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964, so the baby boomers’ age range in 2023 is between 77 and 59 years old. Why are they called baby boomers? Their name comes from the high birth rate after World War II (1939-1945), determined by the economic boom in the United States and Western Europe.

What are the years spanning the baby boomer generation?

Here's everything you need to know about the years spanning the baby boomer generation. What years are baby boomers? The baby boomer generation refers to those born between 1946 and 1964. Appropriately named, the "baby boom" occurred after World War II and is marked by a period of increased births larger and longer than generations before it.

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